release of information companies

Who has access to my medical records?

Your medical information is shared by a wide range of people both in and out of the health care industry. Generally, access to your records is obtained when you agree to let others see them. In reality, you may have no choice but to agree to the sharing of your health information if you want to obtain care and qualify for insurance.

1. Insurance companies usually require you to release your records before they will issue a policy or make payment under an existing policy. This is especially true if you apply for individual health insurance as opposed to a group health plan available through your employer.

Insurance companies are considered financial institutions under the federal GLB law. Like banks and brokerage houses, they must provide you a notice of how they gather and use your customer information. You may have the right to opt-out of sharing some information with other companies.

To learn more about GLB and the insurance privacy laws in your state, visit the web site of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Medical information gathered by an insurance company may also be shared with others through the Medical Information Bureau (see below).

2. Government agencies may request your medical records to verify claims made through Medicare, MediCal, Social Security Disability, and Workers Compensation.

3. The Medical Information Bureau (MIB) is a central database of medical information shared by insurance companies. Approximately 15 million Americans and Canadians are on file in the MIB's computers. About 600 insurance firms use the services of the MIB primarily to obtain information about life insurance and individual health insurance policy applicants.When you apply for life or health insurance as an individual, you are likely to be asked to provide information about your health. Sometimes you are required to be examined by a doctor and/or to have your blood and urine tested. If you have medical conditions that insurance companies consider significant, the insurance company will report that information to the MIB.The information contained in a typical MIB record is limited to codes for specific medical conditions and lifestyle choices. Examples include codes to indicate high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, or depression. A code can signify participation in high-risk sports such as skydiving. A file would also include a code to indicate that the individual smokes cigarettes. The MIB uses 230 such codes.It's important to remember the following about the MIB:

  • The MIB is not subject to HIPAA.MIB files do not include the totality of one's medical records as held by your health care provider. Rather it consists of codes signifying certain health conditions.
  • A decision on whether to insure you is not supposed to be based solely on the MIB report.
  • The MIB is a consumer reporting agency subject to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). If you are denied insurance based on an MIB report, you are entitled to certain rights under the FCRA, including the ability to obtain a free report and the right to have erroneous information corrected. See the Federal Trade Commission's web site on insurance decisions

The MIB does not have a file on everyone. But if you have an MIB file, you will want to be sure it is correct. You can obtain a copy for free once a year by calling (866) 692-6901 (TTY for the hearing impaired (866) 346-3642) or by visiting the company's web site at

In general the MIB can be contacted at Medical Information Bureau, P.O. Box 105, Essex Station, Boston, MA 02112, or by sending an email to

4. Employers usually obtain medical information about their employees by asking employees to authorize disclosure of medical records. This can occur in several ways not covered by HIPAA. Unfortunately, the laws in only a few states require employers to establish procedures to keep employee medical records confidential. (For example, California Civil Code §56.)

A potential employer may ask for medical information as part of an employment background check, with limitations as explained below. To learn more on employment background checks and an employer's obligations under the FCRA, read PRC Fact Sheet 16 on background checks,

According to the federal Americans with Disabilities Act in workplaces with more than 15 employees

  • Employers may not ask job applicants about medical information or require a physical examination prior to offering employment.After employment is offered, an employer can only ask for a medical examination if it is required of all employees holding similar jobs.
  • If you are turned down for work based on the results of a medical examination, the employer must prove that it is physically impossible for you to do the work required.

Report violations of the ADA to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Phone: (800) 669-4000. Web:

5. Your medical records may be subpoenaed for court cases. If you are involved in litigation, an administrative hearing, or a worker's compensation hearing and your medical condition is an issue, the relevant parts of your medical record may be copied and introduced in court.

6. Other disclosures of medical information occur when medical institutions such as hospitals or individual physicians are evaluated for quality of service. This evaluation is required for most hospitals to receive their licenses. Your identity may or may not disclosed when medical practices are evaluated. Evaluations for accreditation are called "health care operations" under HIPAA. Consent to use your information for these purposes is usually not required.

Occasionally your medical information is used for health research and may be disclosed to public health agencies like the Centers for Disease Control. Specific names are usually not given to researchers. Their use of patient information is covered by HIPAA. (U.S. Dept. of Health and

7. Medical information may be passed on to direct marketers when you participate in informal health screenings. Tests for cholesterol levels, blood pressure, weight and physical fitness are examples of free or low-cost screenings offered to the public. Screenings are often conducted at pharmacies, health fairs, shopping malls, or other nonmedical settings. The information collected may end up in the data banks of businesses which have products to sell related to the test.

8. A tremendous amount of health-related information is found on the Internet. Many Usenet news groups and "chat" rooms are available for individuals to share information on specific diseases and health conditions. Web sites dispense a wide variety of information. There is no guarantee that information you disclose in any of these forums is confidential. Always review the privacy policy of any web site you visit.

How can I protect the privacy of my medical records?

A new federal law on medical privacy, HIPAA, goes into effect April 14, 2003. For the first time, federal law establishes standards for patient privacy in all 50 states, including the right of patients to access to their own records. The stronger laws already in effect in the states will not be weakened.Although HIPAA provides some protection, it is not the final answer to medical records privacy. Here are some strategies to limit others' access to your medical records:1. When you are asked to sign a waiver for the release of your medical records, try to limit the amount of information released. Instead of signing the "blanket waiver," cross it out and write in more specific terms.

  • Example of blanket waiver: I authorize any physician, hospital or other medical provider to release to [insurer] any information regarding my medical history, symptoms, treatment, exam results or diagnosis.
  • Edited waiver: I authorize my records to be released from [X hospital, clinic or doctor] for the [date of treatment] as relates to [the condition treated].

2. Discuss your confidentiality concerns with your doctor. If you want a specific condition to be held in confidence by your personal physician, bring a written request to the appointment that revokes your consent to release medical information to the insurance company and/or to your employer for that visit. You must also pay for the visit yourself rather than obtain reimbursement from the insurance company.

To be especially certain of confidentiality, you may need to see a different physician altogether and pay the bill yourself, forgoing reimbursement from the insurance company. Realize that under HIPAA, your attempts to restrict the sharing of specific records can be denied by the health care provider.

3. Ask your health care provider to use caution when photocopying portions of your medical records for others. Sometimes more of your medical records are copied than is necessary, for example, when requested by the insurance company or another health care provider.

4. Find out if your health care provider has a policy on the use of cordless and cellular phones and fax machines when discussing and transmitting medical information. Wireless telephones are not as private as standard "wireline" telephones. Because they transmit by radio wave, phone conversations can be overheard on various electronic devices. Newer digital models are more secure. (See PRC Fact Sheet 2, "Wireless Communications,"

Fax machines offer far less privacy than the mail. Frequently many people in an office have access to fax transmissions. Staff members at all levels of the organization should take precautions to preserve confidentiality when sending and receiving medical documents by fax machine. (See PRC Fact Sheet 12, on responsible information-handling practices,

Your medical information is not confined to health care institutions. Here are some additional situations where you must be careful to protect your privacy.

5. If your records are subpoenaed for a legal proceeding, they become a public record. Ask the court to allow only a specific portion of your medical record to be seen, or better yet, not to be open at all. A judge will decide what parts, if any, of your medical record should be considered private. After the case is decided, you can also ask the judge to "seal" the court records containing your medical information.

6. If your employer is self-insured, the human resources department is likely to have information about any health-related claims that you file. If you are concerned about the privacy protection policies and practices of your employer, talk to the appropriate administrator. You should consider following up with a letter to the head of the department that handles health-related information. Diplomatically stress your desire for all of your health information to be handled with the utmost confidentiality. Keep a copy for yourself, filed at home.

7. Think twice before filling out marketing-related questionnaires. They commonly contain sections that ask for a great deal of family health information. Examples are the National Consumer Survey and the Laura David Consumer Product Survey of America. The loss of your medical privacy is a high price to pay in exchange for a few free coupons or a chance to win a contest. For more information, read the PRC's testimony to the Federal Trade Commission in 2001

8. Before participating in health screenings offered in shopping malls and other public places, find out what uses will be made of the medical information that is collected. If you are not given the opportunity to say "no" to the sharing of your medical information with others, don't participate.

9. Use caution when visiting health-related web sites and when participating in online discussion groups.

  • Carefully read the privacy policies and terms of services of medical web sites.Do not fill out registration forms unless you are satisfied with the web operator's privacy policy.
  • Use a pseudonym when participating in chat rooms and online forums.
  • Before sharing personal information with a health web site, find out if it participates in a web seal program such as TRUSTe, URAC Health Web Site Accreditation,
  • Remember, companies can change their privacy policies at any time. And if the company goes bankrupt, its data base of user information could be sold to the highest bidder.

10. Establish your own history of treatment. If you decide to change physicians or health care organizations, it is a good idea to obtain copies of your medical records. Physicians may retire, move out of state or merge practices with other physicians. Health care facilities may merge with another facility or even go out of business following bankruptcy. Get copies of medical records while you can. Don't count on your ability to get your records years after treatment. If your doctor or health care provider goes out of business, be sure to find out where they intend to store the medical records of their patients.

Release of Information

  • Can a patient review and/or receive copies of their own medical
    Under normal circumstances patients shall have a reasonable right to access their own medical records. All viewing of medical records takes place by appointment. A completed request form is required.
    (All requests by the patient for copies of medical records shall be received in writing and the patient needs to be responsible for any duplication costs.)
  • How long are medical records kept? Medical records for adult patients
    will be preserved until at least the tenth anniversary of the date on which the patient was last treated at any Altru Health System facility
  • Who is authorized to sign for release of medical records? The
    authorization must be signed by the patient, a parent of the patient (if the patient is a minor), or the patient's legally empowered representative.
  • Who is authorized to sign for release of medical records if the patient is deceased? If a patient is deceased, the authorization must be signed by the appointed personal representative, if any. Otherwise, the surviving spouse, if any; an adult child, if any; a parent, or responsible next of kin may authorize release of records.
  • Is there a charge to request copies of medical records? There is a $20 minimum charge for personal copies of medical records as well as copies sent to law firms and insurance companies. The charge is based on the number of pages requested and is charged according to North Dakota and Minnesota statutes. There is no charge if your records are being sent directly to another healthcare provider.
  • Is there a charge to request copies of X-ray images? Yes. There is a charge of $13.50 per film for copies of X-ray films, unless sent directly to another healthcare provider.
  • When you send records to another facility do you send copies or the original? Will there still be information at Altru Health System if I return as a patient? The medical record itself is a legal document and the property of Altru Health System. Therefore, the original medical record stays at Altru Health System and copies are sent to the other facility.
  • Can my doctor, who is outside of Altru Health System, just request my records? Yes, if you are still under treatment from that doctor.
  • Who can pick up medical records? If someone other than the patient will be picking up copies of medical records, please let us know in advance. The person picking up the medical records must bring written authorization from the patient. ID is required for all pickups.

Medical Records Release

Many people consider information about their health to be highly sensitive, deserving of the strongest protection under the law. Long-standing laws in many states and the age-old tradition of doctor-patient privilege have been the mainstay of privacy protection for decades.

Now, the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets a national standard for privacy of health information, effective April 14, 2003. But HIPAA only applies to medical records maintained by health care providers, health plans, and health clearinghouses - and only if the facility maintains and transmits records in electronic form. A great deal of health-related information exists outside of health care facilities and the files of health plans, and thus beyond the reach of HIPAA. (PRC Fact Sheet 8a, "HIPAA Basics,"

The extent of privacy protection given to your medical information often depends on where the records are located and the purpose for which the information was compiled. The laws that cover privacy of medical information vary by situation. And, confidentiality is likely to be lost in return for insurance coverage, an employment opportunity, your application for a government benefit, or an investigation of health and safety at your work site. In short, you may have a false sense of security.This guide provides information on medical records not covered by the HIPAA Privacy Rule:

  • A description of medical records.
  • Situations where HIPAA does not cover medical records.
  • Who has access to your medical records?
  • Tips for protecting the privacy of your health records.
  • How to access your own records.
  • How to learn more about the new federal rules, HIPAA.
  • Electronic Health Records -- Benefits and Dangers for Consumers
  • Resources for additional information.

What do my medical records contain?

Medical records are created when you receive treatment from a health professional such as a physician, nurse, dentist, chiropractor, or psychiatrist. Records may include your medical history, details about your lifestyle (such as smoking or involvement in high-risk sports), and family medical history.

In addition, your medical records contain laboratory test results, medications prescribed, and reports that indicate the results of operations and other medical procedures. Your records could also include the results of genetic testing used to predict your future health. And they might include information about your participation in research projects.

Information you provide on applications for disability, life or accidental insurance with private insurers or government programs can also become part of your medical file.

What medical information is not covered by HIPAA?

Medical information that is not covered by the new federal privacy law might be found in your financial records, your child's school records, and/or your employment files.

Financial records. The federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB) allows financial companies such as banks, brokerage houses, and insurance companies to operate as a single entity. GLB gives you the right to be notified about the information-sharing practices of financial institutions. And you must be given an opportunity to opt-out of third-party information sharing. But GLB does not keep information from being shared among affiliated companies.

Your credit card account and checking transactions are likely to include information about where you go for health care. Insurance applications and medical claims also contain health-related information. So it is possible for such medical information to be shared among affiliates of financial institutions. Such information is not protected by HIPAA.

Some financial companies promise extra protection for medical information. And insurance companies may be prohibited from giving information to an affiliated bank by state insurance laws. It pays to examine the privacy notices of financial institutions carefully. (Read PRC Fact Sheet 24, "Protecting Financial Privacy,"

Education records maintained by your child's school contain vaccination histories, information about physical examination for sports, counseling for behavioral problems, and records of visits to the school nurse. Privacy of education records is under the control of the US Department of Education and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). These records are not covered by HIPAA. For more information about FERPA, visit the Department's web site at

Employment records and medical information may be mingled in situations not covered by HIPAA. Your employer may be covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). If so, you have the right to access your medical records gathered for your employer's OSHA responsibilities. (See the web site of the US Department of Labor for more on employee's rights under OSHA,

In addition, the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) gives most workers the right to 12 weeks of unpaid leave a year for personal and family health. If FMLA leave is because of a serious illness, your employer may request a doctor's certification of the illness. But the employer cannot make you produce medical records. See the U.S. Department of Labor web site for more information on FMLA,

If your employer is self-insured for employees' medical benefits, its handling of insurance claims and other health-related information is covered by HIPAA. In this capacity, the employer would be considered a "hybrid" entity. For more information on HIPAA involving employer group health plans and self-insurance situations, read PRC Fact Sheet 8a on "HIPAA Basics,"

Release of Information Outsourcing

Release of Information Outsourcing
medical records release
release of information hipaa
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release of information companies
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